Chapter release date

Chapter 4 will be out tomorrow Lord be willing. I’m translating paragraph 6 out of 8. I wanted the chapter to be out on the 30th of May, however, I had to babysit a douchey little two year old and I’ve also had to fill out prescriptions and go to appts. I have been feeling pretty good since the 30th with only a few headaches and I don’t have any appointments this week(I don’t think) so I will try to get out both chapter 4 tomorrow. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to follow my schedule. I’m trying to do it. I’ve recently gotten some helpful meds that have helped some. But back to the point. I’m almost done translating chapter 4. I spent 3 hours on one paragraph because I couldn’t get the wording right. That took out a major chunk of the translating time. Same thing happened with something in another paragraph. When I’m confused or don’t understand something, I either ask my Chinese friend or I ask the translator discord. I had to use both. Hopefully, the paragraphs don’t throw me off again.

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